I organized an OCF (off camera flash) meet-up and practice session and had my intern put out a model call. One of her friends answered and mentioned that she’d like to come with her boyfriend. Awesome. The day before the shoot, Aaron sends me an email asking if we could somehow facilitate a moment for him to propose to Jillian and capture it on film. How cute is that?!!? So, a HUGE congratulations to these two! Thanks for coming out!
When Ellen called and proposed her idea for family photos, I totally jumped on it!! I LOVE it when my clients have something fun, funky, and totally different they want me to help them create. This is not something I normally do, but we seriously had a blast. This is what she is thinking for the final product – 9 photos (3 of each of them), framed, and matted to an oval. Pretty sweet, eh?
Rain can be amazing. I know our first instinct as photographers is to groan, and worry, and think that our pictures aren’t going to be the way we want, but bad weather can lead to some seriously awesome photos. Marc & Rachelle were married in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple in February, and it was pouring rain on my drive up there. We lucked out with their formals, and only had a bit of a drizzle, but there was standing water on the ground, plus the dress & the hair to worry about. Score one for Rachelle who just took everything in stride!! We ended the day at the Provo library, which they had all decked out beautifully for their reception. Add to that some upbeat music and a rockin’ dance floor and we had ourselves a party!
I’m so happy with the photos we were able to get, but even more happy to spend the day with Marc & Rachelle on their wedding day. Thanks you two, it was a privilege!
The main reason I decided to pursue photography was so that I could take better photos of my kids (not an original story, I assure you). But, where to draw the line between being in the moment, and capturing the moment? As a mom, I don’t want photography to interfere with making memories. As a photographer, I want all those special moments captured safely on digital film. I think this will be my eternal struggle.
We had a huge snowstorm last week overnight. We woke up to a good 5″ and it was still coming down pretty hard. Immediately, my 3yo insisted that we go out and play in the snow. Although he hates waiting for anything, we had to drop big sister off at school and put the baby down for nap before we could bundle up and head out. In the course of shoveling our driveway, I discovered that the snow had the desired water content for PERFECT snowman snow. So, snowman we did. I enjoyed it. I rolled the balls, he helped pack them together. We played.
It was only after sufficient memories had been made (and ones I hope he will remember as well) that I pulled out the camera. Did I get all of our adventure on film? No. Looking at my photos, I would love to have a TON more. The crazy part, is that by the afternoon our snow man was pretty much melted. Andrew had to run outside and rescue our Mr. Potato Head parts. Had I procrastinated, been lazy, been too caught up in getting the right camera equipment out, or otherwise thought “we’ll do it later” our little adventure wouldn’t have happened.
There’s balance to being a mom*tog. Most days I don’t get it right, but this time was perfect. I had enough play time with Andrew so he knew I really cared about him, that I wanted to play with him, and I have photos for both of us to look back and remember our little play date.
As I was tucking my son into bed that night he looked up at me with his big blue eyes and said “Mommy. This was the best day EVER.”
On my recent trip to CA, I collaborated with my bro-in-law’s family to do a lifestyle shoot for their family. I LOVED that my SIL asked, “well, what about rock climbing?” Ummm… yes, please!!! And to top it off, rock climbing at Split Rock right on the San Fransisco Bay? Double yes! We seriously had a blast. I was super impressed with my nieces (who both made it to the top btw), as well as my 4-year-old nephew. The weather was gorgeous, the subjects were gorgeous, my gorgeous baby slept in the stroller so I could take a turn up the rock and reminisce about how I used to do this more often in college. Doesn’t get much better than that!
Dear Cara,
You are a people person. If anyone walks into your field of vision, you have to smile at them until they make eye contact and smile back in return. You’re happiest when you have someone to watch, whether its your brother & sister, or a stranger in the grocery store, you watch their every movement. You hate being left alone, and cry when everyone leaves the room without you. Most likely within the next week you’ll figure out how to turn your “inching” into actual “crawling” and follow them out of the room so you’re not alone anymore.
You love to eat. More specifically, you love to feed yourself. Pureed foods & spoons don’t really cut it anymore and you seem less satisfied after meals where you are not involved. You do, however, still make a mess. Good thing you love baths too.
You will be content for 20-30 minutes if we pluck you down in front of a bucket of toys. This fascinates me. You pick up each toy, turn it around in your little fist, stick it in your mouth, drop it, and reach for the next toy.
You’re development is a little slow compared to others your age, but I don’t mind. I figure you’ll get there on your own, and I can wait for you to be more mobile. We haven’t even had to lower your crib yet because you don’t know how to pull yourself up yet.
I love that you’re little, that you have messy hair (you just eat your headbands), and that you have the brightest, bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.
PS: Here’s her full proof gallery. 🙂
I really love winter sessions. Except for the cold, but I figure as long as you dress right it’s no big deal, right? 🙂 The contrast between the white snow and the landscape is really something else. I loved watching these two interact with each other. There’s nothing like being young, in love, and engaged!
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You have an intern? So official! I knew you were official, but wow! I hope she was surprised. Looks cute.