SO happy for my little brother! Still playing catch up from an awesome weekend down in Moab & Monticello, UT. I”ll have more to share soon!

We were able to pick the absolute BEST day for these formals. Right in between 2 weeks of freezing weather we had some glorious sunshine! We started off with their First Look (these are seriously my favorite!) on the grounds next to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City, UT.


Then off to take some photos around the temple grounds! Formal sessions are fantastic- we get WAY better lighting because we get to choose the time of day (not centered around a ceremony or sealing time), there are less people around, and the wedding day is less stressful!

Doesn’t she look AMAZING?!

We raced up above the Salt Lake Capitol Building to capture some city lights before the sun was completely gone. I LOVE the way these turned out.

That’s it for now! Stay tuned for their amazing wedding day!

Their engagement has been official for quite some time now, but with the blog down time I haven’t had a chance to post these yet!! Is it weird to anyone else when their youngest sibling gets married? Isn’t he still like… I don’t know, 10 years old? We LOVE Ashley. They are such the perfect fit in every way and I can’t wait until she is officially a member of the family. Cara tells me all the time that Ash-a-lee is her “best friend”. Adorable? Yes. I do believe it is. We wandered around the Utah Valley University campus near the library and got some sweet photos. I’ll be posting their awesome video tomorrow, so look for that!

I can’t believe it’s already been 3 years! To know she’s my last and watch her grow up is both exciting and sad all at the same time. I have such mixed emotions about my kids getting older. But, then, who doesn’t?! For those of you that don’t remember, Cara’s birth was fairly miraculous. I’m so grateful that she was born healthy, that I was okay and that we both came home from the hospital on time. It could’ve been so much worse.

We have decided that she really is a “silly woman” (which she will tell you on a regular basis). She loves to tease, make silly faces, and talk silly. Sometimes all at the same time. Currently, she is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear (something I find ridiculously adorable) and her favorite color is blue. Recently, she really has loved playing with her older brother and I can even see glimpses sometimes of her little imagination being sparked. Today when she pulled out her 2″ Buzz figurine and Andrew had Zurg – he fired on Buzz and “shot him”. Cara sat for a minute, looked down at Buzz, looked up at Andrew and then said “Buzz is running away! Come get him!” and ran into the other room so Andrew could chase her. I Love moments like that where my children just connect with each other. It makes my heart sing.

Cara also loves her music class,  the plasma car still (and we have at least 3 pairs of ruined shoes to prove it), play-DOH, Duplos, and sleeping in her “fort” that Andrew made for her over her bed.

Although she’s 3 tomorrow we still haven’t made any progress on the potty-training front. As much as I would like to be DONE with diapers its just not happening yet. Sam came up with a great motivational idea today so we might try that in the near future and see if we can make any progress. Mostly I just don’t want to push it and make us both miserable. Our summer is going to be chaotic enough.

I’ll leave you with a few of my favorite photos of her over the last 3 years, because really, what’s a blog post without something pretty to look at?!


Newborn baby in hospital



Did you miss me?!?! Oh my goodness that was a nightmare. Long story so ask me sometime if you’re interested in the drama. Short answer is, I’m back up and running and have LOTS of photos to post (I’ve been busy) so check back often and see what I’ve been up to in the last few months.

First up – a sneak peek from Charles and Misty’s Salt Lake City Temple wedding. Wow! This two are stunning! I had the best day with them, and can you believe the WEATHER?!! I think I got a sunburn. It was glorious. At one point near the end of some bride & groom photos Misty just sat on a bench on the temple grounds and soaked up the sun. Ahhhhh… More to follow. I still have to post their First Look and Formal Session. SO BEHIND!! AHHH! Get ready for overload coming your way in 3…2…


Tongan wedding couple at Salt Lake City LDS Temple

I hope everyone enjoys their day of {love}! Even without a significant other – there’s still friends, moms, dad, siblings lots of people that care! I love it! And congrats to those of you that will get engaged tonight! *wink* Give me a call when you do! 🙂

Not often enough I set up a shoot just for me and my kids. I get so focused on lifestyle & wedding photography that my poor kiddlets get neglected sometimes. Not the way it should work. So, I hauled out the studio lights and we had a little fun this week. Enjoy!


  • Karen Bourne - February 15, 2013 - 7:28 am

    So cute!!