Such a fun wedding party! You guys were awesome!
Traveling Boutique Photography Experience
Such a fun wedding party! You guys were awesome!
It is such an honor when a former bride comes back for her first newborn session. I photographed Danny & Mel’s wedding in St. George, and I am so excited to meet their little boy in just a few short weeks!
What a beautiful summer day!! The weather was sunny, everyone was smiling, Larry looked very dashing, and Sarah was breathtaking. I loved spending the day with these two! Congratulations again!
I hope that everyone had an AMAZING summer! I have SO much to share with you from our incredibly CRAZY adventure. For those of you that hadn’t heard, we spent 5 weeks in Northern California this summer. We bounced between Napa (PLEASE someone hire me to shoot a wedding there!), Petaluma, Yosemite, and San Francisco. It was incredible. I’m having such a hard time being home, having a house, responsibility, and well, a 1st grader with a school schedule. I post pretty much all of my personal photos on Instagram (jesscurren), so I won’t share those here, but I do have some from a photography retreat during the last week we were there. First off, this was an incredible experience. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for such amazing friends in the photography community. We open our hearts & a little bit of our souls to each other, and these people are truly some of my best friends. If you remember, last year (or 1.0 as we like to call it) was in New Orleans. This year was a smaller group in San Fran & Yosemite and we had a blast. Here’s a few from our adventures: Next year? Philadelphia with the AMAZING Kylene Cleaver hosting. Already planning a family vacation around it. Hooray for 3.0!
How I adore this couple!! I was privileged to photograph their engagements & formals, but sadly am missing the wedding! I know they are in good hands though, so that helps. 🙂 We spent a glorious summer evening wandering around the Thanksgiving Point Gardens for their formal session. My favorite part? When Emma surprised Brett with the super awesome vintage automobile! He’s very into cars, and the expression on his face was priceless. I can tell they are going to be a dynamite married couple! Congratulations you two! I hope your wedding day was everything you dreamed it would be!
My darling 6 year old & I flew to Chicago to visit my brother & his family. Having just had their 2nd (check out her AMAZING red hair!!), and wanting to take advantage of me we schemed up a lifestyle session in downtown Chicago. My brother is working on his PhD (yes, the brainiac of the family) in accounting at the University of Chicago and graduates next summer so we started there. Can I just tell you the campus is GORGEOUS!? And OLD. I LOVED all of the architecture.
Next we ventured to Museum Campus where they spend a lot of their time, and added in the Chicago skyline (which is AMAZING.) Having only really lived in Utah, I was super impressed with how large a BIG city actually is. Time for us to move? Yes please!
And, finally, to the beach! Although the beach actually borders Lake Michigan, I didn’t actually feel like I was at a lake. More like an ocean. So fun!! Thanks for hanging out you guys! It was SO good to see you!
I love these sessions I’ve had in my clients homes. There is just so much personality involved – we played games, had treats, and were just plain silly sometimes as well.
Love it Jess, what a beautiful capture!