Children + Books: Utah Lifestyle Photographer

A few weeks ago, the amazing Kara Elmore & I met up at the Salt Lake City Library for a little Lifestyle shooting action. I’ve been pushing myself this direction for a few months now and its been so fun to have someone to talk, collaborate and shoot with! If you live up by  Syracuse, check out her work  and HIRE HER! She is AMAZING!

I’d like to just mention how different a Lifestyle session is than a Portrait session. My brain thinks & sees differently for Lifestyle. There’s more “do-ing”, less “sit here and look pretty for the camera”.  Some might say that the sessions are easier, because, well, you don’t have to have everyone posed & smiling happily at the camera. I actually find them MORE difficult. Not only do you have to find an activity that the family/child likes to do, you have to make sure it will look good photographed, and then direct them while they are doing it, all while making sure they act NATURAL. Yeah. Not as easy as it sounds, eh? But, I love the non-perfect poses, the elbows, the knees, the quirky smiles. These types of sessions are so REAL.

I also love the fact that Kara and I can shoot in the same location and come up with such different photos. Shows that each of us have a unique vision. Love it.

So, here are mine (which I’ve discovered its extremely difficult to photograph someone elses’ child while your is screaming – next time we’re getting babysitters):






And then the ones Kara took of me & my littles. I’m in {love} with these photos.


I about died over this one of Cara & Andrew: undefined








  • Kara Elmore - April 21, 2011 - 6:59 pm

    Ohhh you are SO great!! And SO talented! I LOVE the pics you got of my girls and me! And I PROMISE I’m nearly done proofing. hahahahahaa!! oops.