This is my baby brother. To me, he’s still 10 years old and wreaking havoc around the house as only young boys can do. In reality, he’s headed to the Provo Missionary Training Center, and then on to serve a 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Bangalore, India. I’m so proud of him! He is going to be an amazing missionary. I can’t wait to hear his stories, see his photos, and watch his testimony of the restored Gospel grow. For any of you interested in learning more about the LDS Church, or Mormon Missionaries, visit


  • Kristen Crockett - May 9, 2011 - 12:33 am

    These are spectacular and so fun! You could start a whole new trend of mission photography!

  • Karen Bourne - May 4, 2011 - 11:02 am

    That’s wonderful. I remember seeing your brother when they would visit our ward for blessings and such. He’s going on a mission already?

I’ve had a bunch of idea rolling around in my head for blog posts on business tips to make life easier as a photographer. Something similar to Zach & Jody Gray’s Tuesday Tips & Tricks (which you should also check out!). I’ve spent the last 4 months really trying to work my business sense and wow! Can I tell you I’d much rather be working the camera?  🙂 But, being a photographer is really 10% photography and 90% business. If you can’t market, price yourself, pay taxes, and actually make a profit, you will burn out. It may take awhile, but it’ll happen.

Anyway – on to today’s topic. One of the tools I use for my business is SmugMug. I use SmugMug as a client gallery to show my clients their photos after the session. They are big, they look pretty, and SmugMug integrates pretty seamlessly with Lightroom which makes my workflow faster & easier. One of the great things about SmugMug is they are all about making you a better photographer, as well as encouraging networking among communities. To that end, they have organized SMUGs – or SmugMug User Groups. These meetings are held once a month & have a range of topics. The best part is that WE choose the topics! You totally have input. What do you want to learn? Who do you want to hear from? Plus, we have an AMAZING group of photographers here in Utah. Some of my best friends have come from networking with the local community.

So, want to learn more about SmugMug?  Our next meeting is tomorow, May 3rd, and covers basics as well as some customization & tweaks, plus it’ll be lost of fun! Details can be found here: You can also join the Meet-up group and get emails about upcoming events.

You can also follow the group on Twitter here:!/UTCountySMUG

See you there!

This session was SO much fun! My sis-in-law flew in for her Spring Break and brought my little nephew with her. Since he’s turning 1 shortly, we set up a mommy & me/cake smash session.  Only, its hard to have a cake smash, when the child is not exactly interested in the cake! haha. It was pretty funny. I’m so happy I got to hang out with my nephew – he really is super cute-  even if he’s walking now and my baby (who’s 3 days older) still just does the army crawl. 😛

Oh- and you get both photos & slideshow in the SAME post. How awesome is that?!

  • Barbie Madsen - April 30, 2011 - 2:55 pm

    Jess! I love them soo much. I am excited to get some of these on my wall.The slide show was awesome. Thanks so much!! You did such a great job.

  • Karen Bourne - April 30, 2011 - 11:08 am

    I love the last picture of Mom and her baby. She looks amazing. What a fun shoot for you.

They attended different high schools, but had some common friends so knew who each other were. He saw her skiing at Snowbasin and decided that it was time to get to know her – so he asked her out. Dated through high school and then she was still there when he got back from an LDS mission. These two are the cutest couple! Full of energy, life, and most importantly, LOVE. They both are on the track team at Weber University – she runs, he’s a decathlete. Yup. You heard that right.  Decathlete. As in, 10 events, and more talent in his pinky finger than I have in my whole body. 🙂

Anyway – Here’s the video slideshow with photos to follow shortly!

  • jami - April 27, 2011 - 9:43 am

    Great job girl, wish I could do my engagements all over again 🙂

Wow. What awesome entries. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a photo, “liked” a photo, and a HUGE thank you to my panel of 120 professional photographer judges. They loved all of the entries.

And now, after a close vote, the winner is…. Ashley & Othello!!! Congratulations! I can’t wait to work with you!

For entertainment value, I thought I would post their submission to the judging panel. Enjoy!

Top 5 Reasons We Should Win a Free Engagement Session From Picture Me Mine:

#5 – We require less photo editing…because we are already black & white! undefined


#4 – We always have great hair days which will make any picture you take look stunning!

#3 – We have grrrrrreat fasion sense! (big bird’s got nothin’ on us!!)

#2 – Hello ladies. Look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. What’s in my hand? It’s another hand, the hand of my beautiful fiancé. Look down, back up, you can see we’re madly in love. I’m on horse. HYAH!

#1 – Last, but not least… because DANG! We look GOOD in your photographs!

  • Mike Grace - April 26, 2011 - 9:01 am

    That’s just awesome! : D

A few weeks ago, the amazing Kara Elmore & I met up at the Salt Lake City Library for a little Lifestyle shooting action. I’ve been pushing myself this direction for a few months now and its been so fun to have someone to talk, collaborate and shoot with! If you live up by  Syracuse, check out her work  and HIRE HER! She is AMAZING!

I’d like to just mention how different a Lifestyle session is than a Portrait session. My brain thinks & sees differently for Lifestyle. There’s more “do-ing”, less “sit here and look pretty for the camera”.  Some might say that the sessions are easier, because, well, you don’t have to have everyone posed & smiling happily at the camera. I actually find them MORE difficult. Not only do you have to find an activity that the family/child likes to do, you have to make sure it will look good photographed, and then direct them while they are doing it, all while making sure they act NATURAL. Yeah. Not as easy as it sounds, eh? But, I love the non-perfect poses, the elbows, the knees, the quirky smiles. These types of sessions are so REAL.

I also love the fact that Kara and I can shoot in the same location and come up with such different photos. Shows that each of us have a unique vision. Love it.

So, here are mine (which I’ve discovered its extremely difficult to photograph someone elses’ child while your is screaming – next time we’re getting babysitters):






And then the ones Kara took of me & my littles. I’m in {love} with these photos.


I about died over this one of Cara & Andrew: undefined








  • Kara Elmore - April 21, 2011 - 6:59 pm

    Ohhh you are SO great!! And SO talented! I LOVE the pics you got of my girls and me! And I PROMISE I’m nearly done proofing. hahahahahaa!! oops.